Arvydo Guogio asmeninis tinklalapis

CV (in English)

Arvydas’ Guogis’ curriculum vitae

1. Name – Arvydas Guogis.

2. Birth date – 1961 may 18.

3. Birth place – Klaipėda, Lithuania.

4. Living place – S. Stanevičiaus 100-11, Lt-07102, Vilnius, Lithuania.

5. Office and position – Professor at Public Administration Institute, Faculty of Public Governance and Business, Mykolas Romeris University, Ateities 20, LT-08303, Vilnius, Lithuania.

6. Scientific interests – social policy, social security, welfare state, public administration, new governance

7. Teaching courses for bachelors – public administration research methodology, theories and paradigms in public administration, welfare state models, public relations and marketing in the public sector. Teaching courses for masters – social institutions management, new public management and state governance reforms, welfare state  models, strategic marketing management.

8. Education- graduated from Vilnius University, Faculty of History in 1984, post-graduate course at the Department of History of Philosophy in 1989 – 1993.

9. Scientific degree – Doctor of Social Sciences (Political Science, 1993). Habilitation procedure (Management and Administration, 2006).

10. Membership in organisations – Lithuanian Political Science Association (reestablished in november of 2023), Lithuanian Sociologists Society,  International Association of Public and Non-profit Marketing (IAPNM, from 2005), CEPSA (Central European Political Science Alliance, from 2011).

Lithuanian National UNESCO Commission, National Committee “Program of Social Transformations Governance” (MOST) member (2012-2015)

Mykolas Romeris university’s Asian Centre Board member (Divisions of Japan and China) (from 2013)

11. Member of editorial board at international scientific journal „International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing“ (SCOPUS, Springer – from 2005).

Member of editorial board of international scientific journal “Responsibility and Sustainability” (from 2013)

Member of editorial board at Vilnius university edited scientific journal “STEPP” (from 2013)

Member of editorial board of international scientific journal “Central European Political Science Review” (from 2017)

Member of editorial board at Klaipeda university edited scientific journal “Tiltai” (“Bridges” – from 2018)

12. Awards:

2009 award by “Gairės” magazine (journey to Amsterdam) for the best publication on social justice topics

2009 award – Saudi Arabian Public Administration Institute (Riyadh) medal and premium on 50-th Anniversary of the Institute (for two reports at Riyadh International Conference, 2009)

2013 award – Gabrielė Petkevičaitė-Bitė Commemorative medal (LR Seimas) “Serve Lithuania” for societally relevant publications

2018 award for the best teacher at Mykolas Romeris University in 2017/2018

2024 – on the 6th of july awarded by the President of the Republic of Lithuania with the Medal of the Order of Gediminas, Grand Duke of Lithuania for significant scientific research in social policy, social security, welfare state, public governance and administration

Work experience in Lithuania:

1. 1984 – 1989 – Vilnius University lecturer and librarian at Manuscripts Department, Vilnius University Library;

2.1989 – 1993 – Post-graduate course at the Department of History of Philosophy at Vilnius University;

3.1994 – 1995 – Columnist at Lithuanian daily “ Diena “;

4.1995 – 1996 – Head of Information Dissemination Section at Statistical Department by Lithuanian Government;

5.1996 – 2000 – Researcher and lecturer at Social Insurance Training and Research Centre;

6.2000 – Expert at Social Policy Group;

7.2000 – 2001 – Acting director for research at “Lithuanian Organisations Support Centre”;

8. From 2001 – Associated professor at Public Administration Department, Law University of Lithuania (now – Mykolas Romeris University).

9. From 2012 – Professor at Public Administration Department, Mykolas Romeris University of Lithuania.

10. From 2013 – Professor at Public Administration Institute, Mykolas Romeris University of Lithuania

11. On 10-th of november in 2014 in Mykolas Romeris university Arvydas Guogis was awarded Professor’s pedagogical degree in Social sciences.

Work experience abroad:

Research work, journalistic work and courses in Sweden (1991-2008) :

1991 november – Department of Political Science at Stockholm University;
1993 april – may – Department of Political Science at Stockholm University;
1995 january – june – daily‘s „Diena“ correspondent in Sweden;
1995 march – may – Nordplan Institute (Stockholm);
2003 june-july – research work at Baltic–East European Graduate School, Sodertorns University;
2008 february –august – research work in Sodertorns University.

Courses at Lund University – 1993 august.

Courses at Gothenburg’s Folk Academy (Folkliga Akademi) – 2002 january.

Research work in Norway and the Netherlands (1996-2004):

Research work at the Department of Comparative Politics, Bergen University (Norway) – 1996 september;

Research work at NIAS Institute, Wassenaar (The Netherlands) – 1996 april – may;

Research work at Oslo University, Department of Political Science – 2001 march –august;

Research work at Oslo University College – 2004 june-july.

Research work in Great Britain, France, Switzerland, Greece, Hungary (2002-2015):

Research work at London School of Economics and Political Science – 2002 august;

Research work at Public Management Competence Centre of Berne University – 2003 april-may;

Research work at University of Thrace, Komotini and Athens University (Greece)- 2005 april – december;

Research work at St. Gallen‘s university (Switzerland) – 2006 june-july.

Research work at Paris Descartes university (France) – 2011 april-june

Research work at Paris Descartes university (France) – 2014 april-june

Research work at Karoli Gaspar university and LIGA Tradeunions (Hungary) – 2015 july-august

Tens of courses, seminars and conferences (including published reports) abroad and in Lithuania.

Lecturing experience abroad:

1. Lecture given in Swedish language in Nordplan Institute (Stockholm – 1995);

2. Lectures given in Germany (Bavarian Public Administration High School, Hof – 2004, 2007, 2012 Erasmus programme);

3. Lectures given in Greece (University of Thrace, Komotini – 2005);

4. Lectures given in Spain (University of Leon – 2009, 2010, 2011, 2018, 2023 (twice), Erasmus programme);

5. Lectures given in Spain (Sevilla University – 2010, 2012 Erasmus programme);

6. Lectures given in Netherlands (Leeuwarden High School – 2009, Erasmus programme).

7. Lectures given in Netherlands (Nijmegen University, 2015, Erasmus programme) on “Welfare typology and Lithuania”

8. Public lecture “On the Differences between Norwegian and Lithuanian Models of Social Welfare Provision (social security and health care aspects) given in Oslo and Akershus High School (Norway), 2016.02.24.

9. Lectures given in University of Latvia (Riga), 2022, 2024.

10. Lecture given (on 2 different months in spring) in Leon university (Spain), 2023.

Research projects in Lithuania (including international):

1. Participant of EU PHARE ACE project (1997-1998);

2. Leader and participant of EU PHARE “Democracy” project (2000);

3. Leader (of Lithuanian researchers group) and participant of international EU COST A 15 programme „Reforming social security systems in Europe“ project on globalization and social security (2002 – 2004);

4. Participant of (Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation supported) project „Social and political efficiency in Lithuanian municipalities“ (2002, 2004);

5. Participant of (Open Lithuanian Foundation supported) project „ Improvement of social services rendering at Lithuanian municipalities“ (2004);

6. Leader of Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation supported project „Social Policy Modelling Problems in the Process of European Integration“ (2005);

7. Participant of NOBA project (2006-2009);

8. Leader of Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation supported project „Interaction of Lithuanian municipalities and NGO‘s: the cases of Vilnius and Ukmergė district“ (2007).

9. Project participant of the project financed by Research Council of Lithuania and organized by Lithuanian Social Research Centre “The Transformations of the Welfare State in Lithuania: the Origin, Specific Features and Main Causal Forces behind its Development” (2010-2011)

10. Proposals to European Parliament  for regulations on social security and self-employed social guarantees in EU:  researcher (2013)

11. Participant in EU Commission supported project “An attempt to revitalize social dialogue and national industrial relations systems in some of the CEEC’s – lesson learnt and best practises in the way out of the crisis (VS/2014/0588) – expert for Lithuania (2015-2016)

12. Lithuanian Research Council’s supported project P-COV-20-29 ‘Social policy response to the consequences of Covid-2019 crisis: the unemployment and poverty analysis, international experience and recommendations for Lithuania’(VU, 2020.06. 01. – 2020.12.31): senior researcher.

13. Senior researcher at Lithuanian Research Council supported „On-Demand” project P-REP-21-10 „Causes, extent, and identification methodology of social support benefits non-take-up in municipalities of Lithuania, and nationwide“ (lead by Vida Česnuitytė, 2021.03.01.- 2022.02.28)


  1. more than 100 scientific publications in 1991-2024 in the USA, Canada, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Germany, Spain,  Greece, Ser­bia, Bosnia and Herzegowina, Croatia, Montenegro, Hungary, Romania, Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Lithuania.
  2. 200 positions in mass media in 2013-2024 (27 articles and interviews in Lithuanian mass media in 2013, 24 articles and interviews in 2014, 9 articles and interviews in 2015, 12 articles and interviews in 2016, 10 articles and interviews in 2017, 5 articles and interview in 2018, 14 articles and interviews in 2019, 34 interviews and articles in 2020, 1 interview, 11 articles together with A.V. Rakšnys, D. Bernotas, I .Grincevičiūtė in 2021), 3 articles (alone, together with V. Dapkos, together with A.V. Rakšnys, V. Smalskys in 2022), 4 interviews (2- to TV8 and 2- to “Savaitė” (“Week”) and 7 articles in Delfi and other news portals of Lithuania in 2023, 4 articles and 1 interview in 2024.
  3. 30 reports (papers) in the international and national scientific conferences in Budva (Montenegro), Brussels (Belgium), Riyadh (Saudi Arabia), Stockholm (Sweden), Geneva (Switzerland), Vienna (Austria), Edinburgh (United Kingdom), Budapest (Hungary), Kharkiv (Ukraine), Vilnius and Kaunas (Lithuania) in 2009-2024.


Languages – Lithuanian (native), English (excellent), Russian (excellent), Swedish (fair).

Married with Virgilija Guogiene from 1983. Virgilija is a restorer at Vilnius University Library.

Son – Rygaudas Guogis (born in 1986). Businessman, Non-governmental education organizer.

Personal telephones: 370 5 2034534, mob. 370 687 51677



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